Career Change: Crafting the Perfect Résumé




Pivoting to a new career has become more common than ever in a constantly changing world. Many job seekers find that navigating the process can be daunting. Whether you are transitioning to a new industry, switching to a different role, or pursuing your passion after years in a different field, one of the most critical tools in your arsenal is your résumé. Here are 5 strategies to position you as a strong candidate for the role:

  1. Identify Transferable Skills: Assess your current skill set for those that are applicable to your new job target. Even if your previous experience seems unrelated to your new career path, there are often valuable skills that can be translated across industries.
  2. Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume to highlight elements that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. This may involve tweaking your job titles to add functional experience, emphasizing certain responsibilities, and using industry-specific keywords. Be sure to align with the requirements specified in the job description.
  3. Focus on Achievements: Rather than simply listing job duties, focus on achievements that demonstrate your impact and effectiveness. Whether it’s increasing sales revenue, streamlining processes, or leading successful projects, concrete examples help employers understand the value you can bring to their organization.
  4. Highlight Relevant Experience & Education: Showcase any experiences, projects, or responsibilities that demonstrate your ability to excel in your new field. Be sure to mention relevant education or training that may have equipped you with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in your chosen field.
  5. Professional Summary: Be sure that your summary introduces your new target and provides a powerful segue to your career transition with relevant skills and experience. Convey enthusiasm for the new area.

Remember to continuously refine your resume as you gain new experiences and skills in your new field. With determination, adaptability, and a compelling resume, you can successfully transition to a rewarding new career path.

5 Expert Tips to Jump-Start Your Career as a Professional Translator

Photo by Malte Helmhold on Unsplash

Guest Post Blogger: Stephanie Haywood is happy to be living her best life. Personal development and self-care gave her a boost when she needed it most, and now she works to share the gift of self-knowledge, self-care, and self-actualization with everyone who visits MyLifeBoost.

Are you Multilingual?

Launching a career might be easier than you think—if you’re bilingual or multilingual. The ability to speak more than one language is a sought-after qualification. From applying for translator jobs to creating a business centered on your linguistic talent, learn how to begin a career as a translator with this guide.

Find the Right Translator Path

A variety of translation jobs are available for bilingual or multilingual professionals. Explore your options and determine whether to expand your education to earn your ideal role.

For example, you could use your language skills to translate for people relocating to a country where they don’t speak the language. Or, you might prefer to translate official documents, which would require additional education.

Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 32 percent of translators work in the professional, scientific, and technical services sectors. Self-employed professionals make up 20 percent, while 19 percent work in educational services. Other translators and interpreters work in hospitals and government applications.

Consider types of jobs that interest you and explore their qualification requirements. For example, the United States Courts have strict translator requirements. Translators must understand the cultural nuances of language and maintain the speaker’s intended meaning. In a court setting, clarity, multitasking ability, and public speaking are all necessary skills.

Build Necessary Translation & Other Skills

Though you may be fluent in multiple languages, skill building might be necessary for a career in translation. Building other skills helps you succeed in any translating capacity.

ZipRecruiter notes that for most translator roles, you will need a bachelor’s degree in translation and be able to pass a language proficiency test. Additional skills like being highly organized and knowledge of recording software and tools are helpful, too.

Additional certifications might make your application stand out, depending on your industry or field. Fluency in additional languages also gives your resume an edge. Plus, research confirms it’s easier to learn a third or subsequent language, versus a second.

Polish Up Your Resume

Assembling a resume is an excellent first step toward impressing potential employers or clients. To write a stellar resume, highlight your most relevant experience, quantify your accomplishments, use action verbs, tailor your resume to the job posting, and proofread for errors and inconsistencies. If you want to create a truly high-impact résumé that gets results, consider working with a professional résumé writer to land more interviews.

Saving your resume as a PDF ensures that the formatting remains consistent across different devices and software, making it easy to share and present a professional appearance. If you’d prefer to write your resume in a different file format, you can try this tool to convert a file into a PDF once you’re finished. Be careful about using templates that are not optimized to work with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), or your résumé might sit in cyberspace.

Build a Business on Your Own

Applying for translating jobs might help jumpstart your career, but starting a translation business is another career option. Unlike other startups, which often have high overhead costs, working as a translator requires very few expenses.

You can minimize overhead costs by working from home, using reward-earning credit cards for business purchases, and taking advantage of tax benefits. Business formation can also help protect personal assets and reduce expenses.

Forming an LLC, for example, gives tax advantages, limits liability, and offers flexibility. Using a formation service also avoids lawyer fees; check the rules in your state before proceeding.

Start Seeking Work

As with any career path, finding work is often the most involved part of starting a career as a translator. A strong resume and solid professional skills go a long way, but there are other things you can do to find work.

For example, choosing to attend select networking events can expand your professional circle. Explore networking events that fit your career goals and only attend those that provide top-tier connection opportunities and offerings.

If you’re a polyglot, putting your language skills to good use is a smart career option. Whether you start a business or head to work in your industry of choice, the options are limitless. Get started by creating a resume and seeing where your expertise takes you.


“WHY SHOULD I HIRE YOU?” < The Bottom Line in an Interview

Contributor: Nadya_Art / Shutterstock


Do you dread this question?

Do you know what how you would answer it? What would you tell an employer that highlights what you can do for them? While many variables are assessed in an interview, this particular question is the bottom line that every employer and recruiter wonders about with each candidate – even if they do not ask it directly. It is central to their decision-making. Understanding what a candidate offers can help them make a good selection. And, having a strong answer – one that speaks to the bottom line – can get you the offer.

So how should you respond to the question? Be prepared – the more you know about the employer and their specific needs, the more you will be armed with relevant insights to connect to your talent.

Here are 3 steps to help you get there:

Step 1 – Know Yourself. Be ready to address your strengths, experience, and accomplishments. Make sure you are prepared with examples and stories that support your responses. Re-read the job ad. What expertise are they looking for? What do you need to be sure that you address in the interview?

Step 2 – Know the company and players. Take time to research the specific company of interest. Look at their website and key people. What are their products and services? Who are their customers? What do they promote? Read press articles to uncover successes and challenges. Who is your interviewer? Google them and/or find them on LinkedIn.  What insights might be helpful to bring up in the interview?

Step 3 – Connect the dots. Practice summarizing why you are a strong candidate for this particular position (keep key points in your head, not a memorized paragraph). Be sure to address (a) why you are interested in this specific job, (b) the relevant strengths/experience you bring to the table, and (c) what you can do for this company….the bottom line that can help them.

What do you do if you are not asked this question?

Take the initiative and bring it up! Make sure they understand the bottom line of what you offer. Oh, and always make sure to convey your enthusiasm for the job. Wishing you the best of success!








The Best Side Gigs for Disabled Parents

Photo Credit: Gustavo Fring via Pexels

Guest Post by Elijah Dawson,

Trying to provide for your family when you live with a disability can be difficult. But if you need to supplement your income, there are more options than ever these days. Technology makes it possible to keep a side gig, start a business, or find a job that allows you to work from home and use your skills. Below, we provide some practical advice for starting your journey.

Finding a Side Gig

If you are unsure of what type of job or company to pursue, take time to research the many possibilities. You might be surprised by how many options there are for people with disabilities, and as a parent, you can quickly find the perfect work-from-home job so that you can make money while working in an environment that accommodates your needs.

For instance, you can become a freelancer in one of many specialties, assuming you have a marketable skill. Many freelancers build a career in writing, web design, virtual/remote assistance, accounting, and many other niches.

You could become a transcriptionist to listen to audio and video content and convert it to written text. Or, you could manage the social media accounts of other individuals and businesses, which is the perfect option if you love to engage with people online.

Suppose you are an effective communicator and enjoy daily interactions. In that case, you could thrive by joining a virtual customer service team, and if you are fluent in more than one language, you could make money with a translation job. The opportunities are endless, so take time to look into the options to find something that matches your skills, knowledge, and interests.

Finding Work    

If you don’t want to start a full-fledged business, you can find work as an employee. Freelancing also falls into this category, though you can create a business as a freelancer if you choose to. Start by asking around your personal and professional networks for referrals; this is perhaps the quickest way to land a high-quality job and should be the first strategy you try.

Then, start looking at online job boards. Create accounts on platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelance Writing Gigs, ProBlogger, and any other job boards that can help you find clients. Some job boards cater to a general audience, while others deal with specific niches.

Already have a side business idea? 

If you want to turn your side gig into a business, you will need to take many steps to set yourself up for success. You will need to choose a business structure and submit state-specific paperwork. If you’re wondering how to start an LLC, you can hire an attorney, file yourself, or use a formation service to help you. Start by registering a unique business name and assigning a registered agent. Then, you’ll need to file specific paperwork with the state to get your EIN, or employer identification number.

Next, you will need to make a business plan. The more thorough your business plan, the more information you will have to make critical decisions that ultimately determine the direction of your business.

Another aspect is finding funding sources, which can often be one of the biggest challenges. One important factor to consider when looking for funding is your credit report. Your credit report can give lenders an idea of your overall financial health and how reliable you will be as a borrower, so take steps to improve your credit score if you need to.

If you are starting a business, you must build a brand. This means developing a visual identity and taking steps to establish your reputation in the industry so that your products or services are easily recognizable by your target audience

You can do this!

As a person living with a disability, you likely face unique challenges in the workplace. And if you need to supplement your income or build a full-time gig from home, you live in the right day and age. Consider the tips above to explore your options, find a side gig or job, and build a business. In no time, you could be making a living doing something you love from your home office!





The New Normal – Do you know how to succeed with Remote Work?

Photo by Joshuamiranda via Pixabay

Thanks to our guest blogger, Patrick Young who is an educator and activist. He believes people with disabilities must live within a unique set of circumstances – the outside world often either underestimates them or ignores their needs altogether. He created Able USA to offer helpful resources to people with disabilities and to provide advice on navigating various aspects of life as a person with disabilities. 


With the pandemic ongoing, remote work will likely only grow in popularity. If you’re out of work due to the pandemic, however, this could be a very good trend. You can find a remote opportunity to hold you over, or you could find a more permanent remote position. Here are some tips to help you out.

 Get Your Finances in Order First

 Looking for a remote job will be even harder if you’re stressed out about paying bills and making ends meet. This is why you should research assistance before you take any other steps. Some forms of financial help that may be available to you include the following:

  • Assistance with mortgage or rent payments.
  • Unemployment benefits.
  • Credit card payment deferrals.
  • Utility bill assistance.

Once you have plans in place to keep your finances stable, you can focus on your job search.

Think About Alternatives

It may take some time to find another full-time job. Luckily, you can earn income in the meantime by looking for temp work. There are so many options for those interested in being temp employees, including healthcare, industrial, clerical, and even managerial roles.

If temp work doesn’t interest you, furthering your education could be a smart alternative. You could enroll in an online MBA program, for example, to fine-tune your business skills and prepare for your next venture. Some skills you can expect to pick up include strategy, leadership, self-assessment and self-awareness.

Search Online for Remote Work Tips and Tricks

 If you’re not interested in starting a side business or going back to school, you can create profiles on job boards to find more suitable remote positions. Some of the best online job boards for remote work include:

  • FlexJobs
  • JustRemote
  • WeWorkRemotely
  • AngelList
  • Dynamite Jobs

Since these sites promote remote work, they also tend to provide tips and help for those who are new to working from home. For instance, FlexJobs suggests creating flexible routines, looking into remote work tools, and explaining boundaries to family to boost productivity.

To avoid burnout, you should also know when to disconnect from your work, which can be much more difficult when your home is also your office. One way to accomplish this and create more work-life balance is to avoid reading emails right after you wake up. Instead, reserve this time to complete other tasks on your list. You could even fit in a quick morning workout for more energy.

Work on Organizing Your Home Office

 Whether you plan on working or learning remotely, you’ll need a dedicated space in your home so that you can focus and succeed. For the best results, select a room in your home that has a lockable door so that you can keep kids, pets and other potential distractions out. If you don’t have an entire room, a separate corner will do as well.

Dedicate as many resources as you feel are necessary to setting up your home office. It is an investment in your house, after all. It can even boost your home’s value. So don’t be afraid to spring for some nice office furniture. Once you have your new office decorated, plan on hiring a furniture cleaning service to keep your space clean for you. It is a professional setting, so treat it like one.

Working remotely is likely to be the new normal for some time. If you’re looking for work right now, you should consider a remote opportunity. Even if it’s just a side business, having a source of income can take some stress off your plate.


 Dynamic Resumes of NJ, crafts  customized Résumés, LinkedIn Profiles, Bios, and other career documents that are professional, dynamic, and market your skills and talents in the best way possible so that you get results: job interviews! Contact us today for more information!