Entrepreneurial Perseverance: How to Use Failure to Your Advantage

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Guest Post by Lance Cody-Valdez

A few years ago, burned out and miserable from his job in corporate marketing, Lance Cody-Valdez decided it was time to invest in himself. He quit his job the following day and used his meager savings to stay afloat as he built a career as a freelance writer and content marketer. He created free-lance-now.com to help others use freelancing to escape the 9 to 5 daily grind.”


Few things are more rewarding than entrepreneurial success. When you have built a business from the ground up into something valuable to customers, it has a way of bringing fulfillment in all of your hard work and motivating you to keep pushing forward.

But if you are an entrepreneur for long enough, you will realize that failure is imminent. We don’t mean that it’s a given that you will be a failure, simply that setbacks are part of the entrepreneurial process. Most of the world’s richest business people will tell you that!

The key is to view your setbacks as opportunities to become stronger, wiser, and more persistent in the pursuit of your goals. Below, there are a few practical ways to use your failure for your entrepreneurial growth!

Lean Into Your Mistakes    

First of all, you must embrace your mistakes if you are going to learn from them. Think through all of your setbacks, from your most recent to any you may have suffered years ago. Dig into each failure and analyze where you went wrong. Accepting your mistakes and strategizing how to prevent similar ones in the future is how you will grow wiser and more resilient down the road.

Find Other People

So many entrepreneurial failures stem from a business owner who has tried to do too much and burned out. That’s why you must find qualified team members to lighten the load and focus on what you’re best at. Delegating tasks is crucial to making your operations as efficient as possible while also helping you to maintain the joy of your passion.

One practical example of delegation is your administrative tasks. You have an overall vision of your venture. If you get hung up on the menial everyday jobs like data entry, customer service, and calendar management, you can hinder your company’s ability to move forward. Consider hiring virtual assistant services to help minimize distractions and handle all of the administrative duties of your business.

Foster Your Network

Through failures and successes, you need a network of professionals to support you. Always think of how you can build your network because you never know when you will need it. Along with engaging on online platforms, consider joining the chamber of commerce in your area, attend as many industry events as you can, and try to find mentors and advisors who can help you navigate the various challenges ahead.

Refine Your Marketing Strategies

So much of running a business comes down to the effectiveness of your marketing. Take advantage of your setbacks to revisit the strategies you have implemented in the past. Thoroughly research the market and your competition so that you can make adjustments that will put your company on the right path.

Once you clearly understand what your competitors are doing and what the market demands, you can create accurate customer profiles, figure out which marketing channels to use, and craft your brand’s message to where it most appeals to your target audience.

Get Uncomfortable

When your business experiences a setback, it typically means that some type of change is necessary. And if you are going to figure out what that change is and implement it effectively, you will need to step out of your comfort zone. One way to boost your knowledge of your field is to go back to school. Best of all, the flexibility of online programs allows you to keep working even as you learn the skills to take your business to the next level.

Doing so will help your brain (and the brains of your team members) to engage in creative solutions like you have never experienced before. Then, you can go back to the drawing board and determine how to take sensible risks to maximize your company’s potential (not to mention polish up that résumé).

 Entrepreneurship comes with successes and failures. The difference between an entrepreneur who succeeds long-term and one who never seems able to get over the hump is that the successful one learns to improve from their mistakes and roll with the punches. Remember to build a qualified and dedicated team and professional network around you. And figure out how to effectively market your venture from now on. Lastly, don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone to get to the next level!


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How to Find Your Next Career Opportunity in the COVID-19 Economy

Guest Post by Vanessa Holwell

Vanessa Holwell and her husband, Rick, created HiringSquad.net, after losing their jobs during the financial crisis in 2008. The site is designed to be a forum for people to share advice on how to get hired, provide job search resources, and give you the tools you need to get the job you want.

Looking for work is always stressful, but especially when it’s unplanned. If you’re one of the many Americans unemployed or underemployed due to the coronavirus pandemic, you may be asking yourself, “What’s next?”

If your field isn’t hiring or you’re ready for something different, take advantage of this unexpected opportunity to pivot your career into one of the industries that are thriving right now. From contactless payment to telework and telehealth, many industries that are poised to boom after COVID-19.

These companies aren’t just looking for employees, however. They’re looking for team members that will help them solve the unique problems ahead. Are you one of them? Here’s what you need to know about harnessing your next career opportunity in the post-COVID-19 economy.

Finding direction in the coronavirus economy

The U.S. is adding jobs again, but not all industries are recovering equally. If you’re looking for a career position, where’s the best place to start your search? These four industries are expected to grow following the coronavirus pandemic:

• E-commerce: Amazon, eBay, and Shopify are among the ecommerce giants seeing stock gains through the pandemic.
• Home entertainment: From video game companies to streaming services, this sector has thrived during the pandemic and shows no signs of slowing down.
• Work-from-home technology: Cybersecurity providers, remote communication apps, and other remote working and learning tools are expected to see sustained growth following the pandemic.
• Contactless payments: PayPal and Apple have made it through the pandemic largely unscathed, as contactless payment solutions gain widespread appeal.

Entrepreneurialism is blossoming

Don’t rule out your own startup. The economy is surprisingly ripe for entrepreneurship, so if you have a budding business idea, now might be the time to dive in.

• Idea first: Ensure your business idea fulfills an existing need.
• Target market: Identify your target market and test their receptiveness to your idea.
• Name your startup: A well-chosen name ensures that your customers understand what you offer.
• Business plan: Your business maps out your journey, and it comes in handy if you apply for a grant or loan.
• Structure: Choose a smart business structure; many startups opt for an LLC since it protects personal assets. It can be established quickly and easily.

4 fast ways to reskill for a new career

Soft skills can help with small career changes, but what if you’re planning a major leap? After identifying your transferable skills and a new job’s demands, use these learning opportunities to quickly close your skills gap and build a more powerful résumé.

• Attend virtual events: Do you want to get a feel for a new industry and maybe even make network contacts? Sign up for virtual events. With industry events happening online during COVID-19, it’s easy to work them into your schedule.
• Watch a webinar: For short bites of tailored information, turn to webinars. Available for free and cheap from a wide range of providers, webinars are great when you want an overview of a specific topic.
• Pursue virtual accountability: A virtual coworker can become your sounding board, identify weak areas, and encourage you in pursuing growth opportunities. Find someone to connect with and start sharpening each other’s abilities.
• Take an online course: Professionals can also turn to online courses. Whether offered through a platform or directly from a university, you’ll find high-quality content covering a wide range of skills.

The best ways to make ends meet in the meantime

Even with a stellar résumé, getting hired doesn’t happen overnight. In the meantime, there are still bills to pay and a family to feed. Luckily, there are also plenty of options for short-term work to keep you in the black, or to jumpstart that new career.

• Health care: Many healthcare and telehealth companies are seeking temporary administrative, operational, and customer support to meet the current surge in demand.
• Delivery and fulfillment: While it doesn’t pay as well as professional positions, delivery and fulfillment roles can help people make ends meet during the pandemic.
• Job search services: Connecting with a job search service can be an ideal way to open doors.

This career change may be unplanned, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a great opportunity. Instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, keep your sights set on what’s ahead. Identify your direction and work to ensure you make a high-impact first impression. With the right skills, you can turn this challenge into a great move for your career.



Boost Your Career Search – Technology Tips for Disabled Job Seekers

Guest Post by Patrick Young  

Patrick Young is an educator and activist. He believes people with disabilities must live within a unique set of circumstances – the outside world often either underestimates them or ignores their needs altogether. He created Able USA to offer helpful resources to people with disabilities and to provide advice on navigating various aspects of life as a person with disabilities.


These days, technology makes nearly every aspect of our lives easier. When it comes to boosting your career or starting out in a new field, there are several ways that tech can help you get started, and they can be especially helpful if you are living with a disability. From finding the right job that allows you to work from home to finding physical tools(https://www.itbusiness.ca/news/six-ways-technology-can-help-disabled-employees/16544) to make your job easier, there are many apps, sites, and pieces of tech that can help you find what you need.


Getting Started 

Before you get started, consider what might help you the most. Do you need to find a job in a new field? Are you looking for something more challenging than your last job? Perhaps you want a career that allows you some freedom when it comes to flexible hours  (https://blog.cheapism.com/flexible-jobs/) or something that will give you the chance to work with other disabled individuals. Carefully consider your needs and how best to ensure that they are met no matter which career path you choose.

Here are a few great tips on how to utilize tech when it comes to your career.

Job Hunting

When searching for a new job, you can make the process much easier by using staffing firms. In addition to traditional staffing agencies in and around your area, you may also benefit from contacting a firm that specializes in helping disabled individuals connect with jobs that suit their skillset. For example, SourceAbled (https://www.sourceabled.com/) prides itself on “an integrated solution for attracting and hiring qualified talent with unique abilities.”

Alternatively, many companies use  these (https://www.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/299320) online job boards to recruit freelancers, whether they’re looking for web development, IT, writing, or legal help. You can narrow down your search according to various factors, including freelance work, which is often perfect for individuals with mobility issues who prefer remote work (https://www.upwork.com/i/how-it-works/freelancer/). Most job boards even have apps that can help you easily keep up with the jobs you’ve applied for, as well as which employer have new openings.

Use an App for Interviews and Research

These days, there are tons of apps you can download that will help you with everything from figuring out the best interview tactics to researching the company you’re interested in. You can even prepare for interviews (https://zety.com/blog/interview-tips) by utilizing an app with a live video session, which will help you figure out your strengths and weaknesses.

Build Up Your Resume

It can be tricky to start out on a new job path or to try and advance your career after years of working in the same field, but one of the best ways to get started is to build up your resume and turn it into a glowing review of your past work. If you need a boost, consider hiring a résumé-writing professional who can help you create one that will garner attention from the best employers.

Make Connection a Priority

Last, but certainly not least, one of the easiest ways to stay connected with clients, customers, or employees is to have the right tools (https://zooxsmart.com/en/tools-we-love-for-remote-management/). These days, there are numerous online services that facilitate virtual meetings, allow you to share files and keep track of tasks. Plus, if you become adept (https://www.skillcrush.com/blog/remote-resume/) in these collaboration tools, you’ll get bonus points from potential employers or clients. Just be sure you’re covered security-wise (https://www.verizon.com/info/digital-security/) on your network and devices to ward off any cybersecurity issues.

Using tech to advance your career can help you find a fantastic new job or fuel your career with new opportunities, but it’s important to find the right tools for your needs. So, put together a plan before you get started so you’ll have a good idea of where to look, and keep your abilities in mind before making any major decisions.


Job Search Surprises > 5 ways to be prepared

Sometimes job seekers are pretty surprised…ok, shocked, to learn that their job is ending. Perhaps there is a merger and suddenly the job is cut. Or a top performer feels their job is secure but a new manager is just not in sync with their style and they are surprised by a pink slip. While we cannot always avoid such surprising news, we can be prepared and therefore be one step ahead…just in case.

How to Prepare:

  • Resume – Keep that resume up to date. Be sure to keep notes on important accomplishments and projects for easy updates.
  • Network – Networking on an ongoing basis one of the most important things you can do. Look for ways to keep in touch with contacts and do things for others. What goes around comes around.
  • Life-long Learning – Seek out learning opportunities both on and off the job. This makes you a valuable player.
  • LinkedIn – Keep your linkedin profile up to date. Review your summary to see if it conveys your brand and your relevant strengths. Your “headline” should market you, not your company.
  • Target Preferred Companies – Be proactive in finding companies that fit with your goals and find ways to network with people who work there. If you only focus on posted jobs you are missing out on the hidden job market.

If you ever do get an unwelcome surprise, be professional about your relationship with your employer. You never know what the future holds. And, in the meantime, you will be prepared to go forward.


Best of Success,


Is “business casual” costing you the job?

By the Guest Blogger Team at T.M. Lewin

It’s no secret that first impressions are powerful. It really is true, you never get a second chance to make another first impression. Research proves that it takes only a tenth of a second to form an impression of a stranger from only their face. When you begin to factor in a person’s choice of clothing, body language, and appearance, the stakes are even higher. According to several studies, 90% of people form their opinion about you in under less than a minute of an initial introduction. In a job interview, this means that a potential employer could have made their decision of whether or not to hire you before you’ve even begun the formal questioning.

Does the phrase “business casual” fill you with confusion and uncertainty? What really defines business casual from business professional or formal?

Deciding what to wear for an interview or a day at work is becoming increasingly more perplexing. Office environments continue to change and traditional standards of professional dress have surely become more relaxed. What is acceptable and appropriate to wear to an interview or new work environment remains subjective and universally undefined. Beyond the employee handbook (often received after the interview/offer letter) there is no concrete definition for what warrants an appropriate outfit from the next. Of course, in any work environment a dress code is circumstantial to geographical location, workplace culture, corporate policy, title or position and the field or line of work. One thing that remains unquestioned is the importance of a positive and polished appearance on interview day.


Even the best candidates who have crafted the perfect resume, completed their research about the company and their potential role forget to also consider the office dress code. There are many ways to gain an insider’s insight prior to the interview. Be observant while dropping off a resume or while in attendance for an office tour. If the job prospect is local, consider casually walking around the lobby or possibly sitting in your car in the parking lot to watch what people are wearing. If your target company is remote, you may be able to gain some insight from company photos of employees, especially in groups versus professional headshots.


T.M. Lewin, experts in office-ready work-wear in the UK, has helped to decipher the professional dress code puzzle. They have crafted the savvy guide below as a perfect tool for aspiring jobseekers, with plenty of style references, tips and advice for our modern workforce. Please note that while the guide has been developed for the European workforce, it can easily be adapted to what you learn upon researching the interviewing company.



T.M. Lewin is a British heritage brand established in 1898 on Jermyn Street in London. Experts of smart style and dressing our modern working world. is a British heritage brand established in 1898 on Jermyn Street in London. Experts of smart style and dressing our modern working world.