Is Self-Promotion Scary?….It Should Be!

Are you afraid of self-promotion during your job search? Many people worry about giving off a self-centered impression that will turn others away. If you are handing out your resume all over the place, talking about yourself, and focusing on your personal job needs, then they are right.  This will definitely turn others off. It will scare others away.

Career Management is a life-long process……it is not about just having an updated resume when you need it.  In today’s market, it takes effective networking, a strong online presence, and of course, powerful career documents ready to go.

It is the idea that everything you do creates an impression and offers the opportunity to engage others.  It is about visibility, accessibility, and demonstrating a knowledge-base and value that you hold. This approach engages others and attracts others to want to know you because they have high regard for what you can offer.

Here are some ideas for non-scary ways to engage others:

Grow a strong network – focus on relationships not just numbers.

  • Help others – by helping others they will want to help you.
  • LinkedIn –convey your strengths and value as it relates to work experience and your impact. Participate in linkedin groups sharing knowledge and resources.
  • Read and Share – share valuable tools and information on social media vehicles.
  • Professional Associations – be an active member and contributor, not only when you are in transition.
  • Volunteer – get involved in community service and other projects that open doors to meet new people.

Good things will come out of this. Being a valuable contributor in the world gets you noticed. Others find these approaches to be an inviting way to connect with you.